My author's had a bit of time away from the keyboard, so I've decided to create my own blog. It's liberating to be able to talk directly to the reader, instead of being filtered through the mind of my writer. And edited--oy! She edits and edits and edits, then invites others to read and edit. It's nauseating. Well, it's actually kind of nice, since the end product is so much the better for her work. But when she cuts some of my favorite lines, I do tend to sulk a bit. Though I get over it quickly. Why is it taking her so long to pen Book Two? Don't turn to me for the answer. Though I chatter on in her head constantly, giving her loads of ideas where she can take me and the plot next, she mostly shoos me aside like some mini flying beast, and returns to her work on the house she and her husband are having built. Before that, it was taking care of older family members. And she did have to put her dog down, which led to some sad days. Then there's the Lyme disease. And the tick-born diseases of Babesia, Bartonella, and the Powassan Virus. If you read her first book, I Cannot Play With You, then you know that she and I both have suffered from all of the above. And besides the Powassan Virus, which she has overcome twice, she is still battling the other three. It's her fifth time in the fight with Lyme disease--if you believe, as she does, that one can overcome Lyme completely only to become reinfected through another tick bite. She's been bitten five times so far. It's resulted in two bulls-eye rashes, mixed test results, and ongoing battles with herself as she tries--sometimes unsuccessfully--to stay away from sugar. She's currently on [nearly] countless pills and tinctures, including CBD oil, which she finds particularly helpful for her painful neuropathy symptoms in her hands and feet. In Book Two I will find myself working with a natural wellness expert. I will also discover a few cool products, including those made by YaYa Organics. My author discovered these incredibly effective and safe products, and now uses them on her husband's dog and on herself. I describe YaYa's TickBan as a hug for you and a punch in the face for ticks everywhere. Yes, it really is that effective. And safe. I will continue to blog in an attempt to type-shame her into writing another chapter in my ongoing battle with those who would make so many of us ill with this hideous Chronic Lyme Disease...and yet deny us the medical care and coverage we need. Though there is one reason I have not yet mentioned that may have added to my author's--and, admittedly, my--reason for not continuing on. We've had to identify a body, which has left us rattled. Neither of us is sure where to go next. Should we run and hide (clearly the choice my author has made) or should we hone our self-defense skills and face these bad people square on? What would Nancy Drew do? Or Miranda Hart? Oh, great, now I have my author thinking she may need to get a taffeta dress in a pastel shade. Or revisit the Miranda series yet again. Such fun! But not much of a help in getting the writing going again.... |